- Hours
- Room and Building Access
- Security
- Conference Room Reservations
- Maintenance and Custodial Requests
- Mail, Shipping and Receiving
- Supplies
The hours of the Psychology Building and Lazenby Hall vary by semester. View the schedule posted on the University Registrar website for current information. If you are hosting an event that requires a building to be unlocked outside of normal hours, please contact the Classroom Logistics Coordinator by phone at 614.292.9330, or email
Room and Building Access
During regular business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.), many offices, conference rooms and research labs in the Psychology Building and Lazenby Hall are locked by default and accessible by BuckID swipe access. Outside of business hours, BuckID swipe access is typically required to enter both the buildings, as well as the rooms inside. You may request swipe access to department buildings and rooms by emailing with the following information:
- Full name and name.# of the individual requesting access
- Individual's position in the department (faculty, staff, post doc, research staff, graduate student, undergraduate student)
- Building(s) and/or room(s) to which access is requested
- Reason for requesting access
Important Reminders
- After you have been granted swipe access, the card reader on the designated room(s) and/or building(s) should flash green three times when you swipe your BuckID. A flashing red light means access has been denied. No flashing light may indicate a technical malfunction.
- If you are having difficulty accessing a building or room with your BuckID, do not swipe your card more than three times. The system will recognize this as tampering and will shut down completely.
- For non-urgent issues with swipe access, visit the department main office (PS 225) during regular business hours or email
- For urgent issues with swipe access, contact the Ohio State Department of Public Safety at 614-292-2121.
- If a card reader offers any light or sound other than the standard green light and unlocking latch, it might indicate a dying battery. Please email to notify the facilities coordinator.
- To ensure your swipe access works properly, do not to store your Buck ID in close contact with your cell phone, laptop or desktop computer, or other magnetized devices. Try to avoid scratching the magnetic strip on your Buck ID – storing it unprotected with your keys, at the bottom of a bag, or in your car.
- If your BuckID is lost, stolen or replaced, notify the department immediately.
To secure university equipment and personal belongings, ensure that office doors remain closed and locked when you are not present and utilize locking drawers at workstations. Do not leave any valuable items or keys unattended and in plain sight. If you notice that a theft has occurred, immediately notify and contact the Ohio State Department of Public Safety's non-emergency phone line at 614-292-2121. In case of emergency, always dial 911.
Conference Room Reservations
The Department of Psychology has multiple conference rooms in both the Psychology Building and Lazenby Hall. To reserve a room, you must email a request to with the following information about your reservation: date, start and end time, purpose, preferred room, name. Additionally, please review the key points and reminders below.
Important Reminders
- Reservations are required for use of any department conference rooms. They can be made at any time during the semester.
- Class use of conference rooms always takes priority.
- Undergraduate students must be supervised by faculty, staff or a graduate student when using conference rooms.
- Visit the department's main office (PS 225) for assistance with any last-minute reservation requests. Do not occupy a room and hope for the best. Many rooms may already be reserved for department classes, lab meetings or interviews.
- Conference room doors should remain closed and locked at all times when not in use. Only faculty, staff, lecturers and graduate students with BuckID access can enter the rooms. For security reasons, when you are done using a room, ensure that the door is closed.
- Most conference rooms have a whiteboard and Smart Board. Never use a regular marker on the Smart Board; it will ruin the board. Remember to turn Smart Boards off when not in use.
- If you have a reservation scheduled for PS 35 or PS 22, contact the department at to gain the appropriate BuckID swipe access.
- All conference rooms are equipped with a diagram that accounts for each table and chair. If you rearrange tables and chairs in a room, you must return them to their original position at the conclusion of your event. Chairs, tables and other equipment must not be moved between rooms.
Maintenance and Custodial Requests
Maintenance and custodial requests can be directed to during regular business hours. Alternatively, directly contact Facilities Operations and Development (FOD) by phone at 614-292-4357 or by email at FOD requests can also be submitted on the new Services2Facilities app. FOD is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week and will respond to urgent needs within 20 to 30 minutes.
Note that FOD maintenance personnel conduct seasonal heating and cooling transitions in April and October. FOD works to ensure a seamless changeover, but weather variations may cause unanticipated fluctuations to interior temperatures.
Mail, Shipping and Receiving
Faculty, staff and lecturers have mailboxes located in the shared copier room (PS 129). Student assistants in the department oversee the sorting and delivery of both campus and USPS mail on a daily basis; they also collect outgoing mail to place in designated pick-up locations.
Student assistants likewise process any packages delivered to the department main office (PS 225) and notify the recipient(s) of their arrival. Temperature-sensitive shipments are delivered promptly to the appropriate research lab for proper handling and storage.
To ship a package, please email and our staff will assist you with preparing a UPS shipping label.
General office and instructional supplies are available for all Department of Psychology employees in the department main office (PS 225). Available supplies include writing utensils, dry erase markers, paper, staples and other similar items. Additional supplies based upon personal needs and preferences are not automatically covered by department operating funds. Contact for further information.