Select Recent Publications


Title Faculty Author(s) Faculty Research Area(s) Year
Enhancing stakeholder roles in autism early interventions in the United States: a stakeholder driven research agenda Katherine Walton Katherine M. Walton, Alayna M. Borowy, Rachel A. Gordon, Allison L. Wainer Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2023
Evaluation of pressing issues in Ecological Momentary Assessment Joshua Smyth Arthur A. Stone, Stefan Schneider, Joshua M. Smyth Clinical Psychology 2023
Everyday co-presence with a romantic partner is associated with lower C-reactive protein Baldwin Way Tatum A. Jolink , Baldwin M. Way, Ayana Younge, Christopher Oveis, Sara B. Algoe Social Psychology 2023
Everyday perceptions of safety and racial disparities in hair cortisol concentration Baldwin Way Christopher R. Browning, Jodi L. Ford, Jake Tarrence, Darlene A. Kertes, Rita H. Pickler, Baldwin M. Way, Catherine A. Calder Social Psychology 2023
Examining cross-sectional and longitudinal relationships between multidomain physical fitness metrics, education, and cognition in Black older adults Scott Hayes Matthew Stauder, Kelly J. Hiersche, Scott M. Hayes Clinical Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience 2023
Examining the relationship between adaptive behavior and intelligence Marc J. Tassé Marc J Tassé, Minje Kim Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities 2023
Examining the role of emotion differentiation on emotion and cardiovascular physiological activity during acute stress Kristen Lindquist Adrienne S. Bonar, Jennifer K. MacCormack, Mallory J. Feldman, Kristen A. Lindquist Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Psychology 2023
Excitatory amino acid transporter 1 supports adult hippocampal neural stem cell self-renewal Elizabeth Kirby Joshua D. Rieskamp, Ileanexis Rosado-Burgos, Jacob E. Christofi, Eliza Ansar, Dalia Einstein, Ashley E. Walters, Valentina Valentini, John P. Bruno, Elizabeth D. Kirby Behavioral Neuroscience 2023
For whom do boundaries become restrictions? The role of political orientation Russell Fazio J. Jin , S. A Malkoc , Russell H. Fazio Social Psychology 2023
From whom do people seek what type of support? A regulatory scope perspective Kentaro Fujita D. S. Lee, Kentaro Fujita Decision Psychology, Social Psychology 2023
Healing through helping: an experimental investigation of kindness, social activities, and reappraisal as well-being interventions Jennifer Cheavens David R. Cregg, Jennifer S. Cheavens Clinical Psychology 2023
Highlighting health consequences of racial disparities sparks support for action Riana Brown Riana M. Brown , Pia Dietze , Maureen A. Craig Social Psychology 2023
Hope Therapy Jennifer Cheavens Jennifer S. Cheavens, Whitney M. Whitted Clinical Psychology 2023
How attitudes impact the continued influence effect of misinformation: The mediating role of discomfort Duane Wegener Mark W. Susmann, Duane T. Wegener Decision Psychology, Social Psychology 2023
How can we move advanced methodology into practice more effectively? Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brian Sciences Jolynn Pek Jolynn Pek, Daniel J. Bauer Quantitative Psychology 2023
How to ask twenty questions and win: Machine learning tools for assessing preferences from small samples of willingness-to-pay prices Peter Kvam Konstantina Sokratous, Anderson K. Fitch, Peter D. Kvam Cognitive Psychology, Decision Psychology 2023
How to Talk Language Science with Everybody Laura Wagner Laura Wagner, Cecile McKee Developmental Psychology 2023
Incremental validity of brief and abbreviated neuropsychological tests toward predicting functional outcomes in multiple sclerosis Jeremy Grant Jeremy G. Grant, Lisa J. Rapport, Rachel Darling, Brigid Waldron-Perrine, Eva Bernitsas Clinical Psychology 2023
Individual variability in performance reflects selectivity of the multiple demand network among children and adults Zeynep Saygin M. Fiona Molloy, Zeynep M. Saygin Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology 2023
Intact reading ability despite lacking a canonical visual word form area in an individual born without the left superior temporal lobe Zeynep Saygin Jin Li, Hope Kean, Evelina Fedorenko, Zeynep Saygin Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology 2023
Integrating social media variables as predictors, mediators, and moderators within body image frameworks: Potential mechanisms of action to consider in future research Tracy Tylka Tracy L. Tylka, Rachel F. Rodgers, Rachel M. Calogero, J. Kevin Thompson, Jennifer A. Harriger Clinical Psychology 2023
Interoceptive ability moderates the effect of physiological reactivity on social judgment Kristen Lindquist Mallory J. Feldman, Jennifer K. MacCormack, Adrienne S. Bonar, Kristen A. Lindquist Cognitive Neuroscience, Social Psychology 2023
Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in the Context of Social Networks: A Focus on Borderline Personality Disorder Jennifer Cheavens Kristen P. Howard, Jennifer S. Cheavens Clinical Psychology 2023
Iterative design, feasibility, and preliminary efficacy testing for the development of a cooperative card game intervention to reduce loneliness and foster social connection Joshua Smyth Karina Van Bogart, Jillian A. Johnson, Sibel Nayman, Jeremy Nobel, Joshua M. Smyth Clinical Psychology 2023
Learned spatial suppression is not always proactive Julie Golomb, Andrew Leber S. Chang , B. Dube , Julie D. Golomb, Andrew B. Leber Cognitive Neuroscience, Cognitive Psychology 2023