

David Lee

The Correlation Between Self-Esteem & Social Support

David Lee, a postdoctoral psychology fellow at Ohio State, recently had a study on self-esteem and social support published by Health Psychology. According to his research (co-authored…

Mark Pitt

ASC Distinguished Psychology Professor: Mark Pitt

Dr. Mark Pitt has been selected as College of Arts and Sciences Distinguished Professor of Psychology. This honorific title is reserved for full professors who have excelled in teaching, service…


NACADA Award Winner Alisa Paulsen

Dr. Alisa Paulsen, the Psychology Department's Director of Undergraduate Programming, has been awarded the NACADA: The Global Community for Academic Advising's 2019 Award for Outstanding…

Dr. Felicisima Serafica

Remembering Dr. Felicisima Serafica

The Psychology Department at Ohio State mourns the loss of a beloved former faculty member, Dr. Felicisima Serafica, an Emeritus Associate Professor of Psychology.

Known to her family and…

Spring Alumnus Awards & Reception

Spring Alumnus Awards and Reception

At the Spring Alumnus Awards and Reception, a number of individuals within the Psychology Department received recognition for their outstanding work for the 2018 school year. View this year's…

Zeynep Saygin

Zeynep Saygin's TedTalk

Zeynep's talk focuses on new research that delves into the complexities of fetal development and the implications it has on a child's unknown future. Dr. Saygin is a professor at The Ohio State…

Ashleigh Maxcey Ph.D.

Modality-Specific Forgetting Publication

Ashleigh Maxcey Ph.D., a visiting Associate Professor in the Psychology Department, has recently had a paper examining modality-specific forgetting published in the journal, Psychonomic,…

The logo for CogFest Undergraduate Poster Session 2019

Congratulations to CogFest Undergraduate Poster Winners!

The CogFest Undergraduate Poster Session was held on Monday, March 25th in the Thompson Library Campus Reading Room. The poster session was an opportunity for 20 undergraduate students to share…

Visual Space

Videos from Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Philosophy and Psychology of Visual Space

Videos from February 15-16 Interdisciplinary Workshop on the Philosophy and Psychology of Visual Space talks are available on-line. Special thanks to Paul Scotti for recording them and…