Student Admissions, Outcomes, and Other Data

Program Disclosures
Does the program or institution require students, trainees, and/or staff (faculty) to comply with specific policies or practices related to the institution's affiliation or purpose? Such policies or practices may include, but are not limited to, admissions, hiring, retention policies, and/or requirements for completion that express mission and values?




If yes, provide website link (or content from brochure) where this specific information is presented:



Time to Completion for All Students Entering the Program - Table 1
OutcomeYear in which Degrees were Conferred
Total number of students with doctoral degree conferred on transcript11756814591369
Mean number of years to complete the program6.
Median number of years to complete the program66766667666
Time to Degree RangesN%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%N%
Students in less than 5 years0000000000000000000000
Students in 5 years0000000000000000000011
Students in 6 years9825710046767596436044411002674362
Students in 7 years218229480233225536240556001332536
Students in more than 7 years00001200000000000000011

Also, please describe or provide a link to program admissions policies that allow students to enter with credit for prior graduate work, and the expected implications for time to completion. Please indicate N/A if not applicable:




Program Costs
Description2024–2025 1st Year Cohort Cost
Tuition for full-time students (in-state)$6,695
Tuition for full-time students (out-of-state)$21,115
Tuition per credit hour for part-time students (if applicable enter amount; if not applicable enter N/A)N/A
University/institution fees or costs$295
Additional estimated fees or costs to students (e.g. books, travel, etc.)$1,500

Note: The above are the costs of the program without consideration of funding. Our students routinely receive fellowship and/or assistantship support that covers all associated costs.



Internship Placement - Table 1
OutcomeYear Applied for Internship
Students who obtained APA/CPA-accredited internships610051009100710010100510091001100310012100
Students who obtained APPIC member internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained other membership organization internships (e.g. CAPIC) that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained internships conforming to CDSPP guidelines that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained other internships that were not APA/CPA-accredited (if applicable)00000000000000000000
Students who obtained any internship610051009100710010100510091001100310012100
Students who sought or applied for internships including those who withdrew from the application process6-5-9-7-10-5-9-1-3-12-



Internship Placement - Table 2
OutcomeYear Applied for Internship
Students who sought or applied for internships including those who withdrew from the application process6-5-9-7-10-5-9-1-3-12-
Students who obtained paid internships610051009100710010100510091001100310012100
Students who obtained half-time internships* (if applicable)00000000000000000000



VariableYear of First Enrollment
Students for whom this is the year of first enrollment (i.e. new students)11-8-8-2-10-10-6-9-4-6-
Students whose doctoral degrees were conferred on their transcripts982810056321002200000000000
Students still enrolled in program0000000066088061007784100583
Students no longer enrolled for any reason other than conferral of doctoral degree21800338002202200022200117



Program Licensure
The total number of program graduates (doctoral degrees conferred on transcript) between 2 and 10 years ago68
The number of these graduates (between 2 and 10 years ago) who became licensed psychologists in the past 10 years68
Licensure percentage100%



Admissions Data
Number of applicants236234219172206206216263190247
Number offered admission1510181021211213139
Number matriculated1189210116946
Number with funding1189210116946



Questions related to the program’s accredited status should be directed to the Commission on Accreditation:

Office of Program Consultation and Accreditation
American Psychological Association
750 1st Street, NE, Washington, DC 20002
Phone: (202) 336-5979 / Email:
APA accreditation website