NOTE: If you started AU22 or later and are following GEN, you will also follow this major curriculum. If you are unsure which GE curriculum you are following, please contact your advisor.

View the GE - Legacy (GEL) Curriculum


Overview of Major Requirements

  • Visit Declare the Major under 'Academic Advising' to learn how to declare psychology as your major.
  • Psychology 1100(H): Introduction to Psychology is a prerequisite for all psychology coursework. Psychology 1100(H) fulfills the Social and Behavioral Science GE and is a required supporting course for the major. This course does not count on the major.
  • Twelve (12) courses totaling at least 36 semester credit hours of Psychology Department coursework are required for the major. You must earn at least a C- in your psychology courses to count them on the major.
  • Co-requisite courses that fulfill the Advanced Writing Embedded Literacy: You must earn at least a C- in these courses.
  • Courses with variable credit hours (e.g., Psychology 4998, Psychology 3193.xx): You need 3 credit hours to count it as one course to be applied to the major.

Section I. Data Analysis & Research Requirements

Take both of the courses listed below.
If a course has an (H) next to it, there is both an Honors and a non-honors version available.

2220(H) - Data Analysis in Psychology
2300 - Research Methods in Psychology    

Section II. Core Requirements

Take one course in each of the 4 areas below.
If a course has an (H) next to it, there is both an Honors and a non-honors version available.

3313(H) - Introduction to Behavioral Neuroscience
3513 - Introduction to Cognitive Neuroscience

3302 - Perception and Language
3310(H) - Sensation and Perception
3312 - Memory and Cognition

3331(H) - Abnormal Psychology
3335 - Psychology of Adjustment
3340(H) - Introduction to Life Span Developmental Psychology
3530 - Theories of Personality
3550(H) - Psychology of Childhood
3551(H) - Psychology of Adolescence

2367.01- Social Psychology (Lima campus only)
3325(H) - Introduction to Social Psychology
3375 - Stereotyping and Prejudice

Section III. Advanced Requirements

Take at least two courses, one of which must be a Sequenced Advanced Course. 

You must earn a C- or higher in PSYCH 2220 and 2300 and any other core prerequisite before you can take advanced courses. If you take Advanced Courses before successfully completing the prerequisites, the courses will count as electives only.

4305 - Introduction to Psychopharmacology - Preq. 3313(H)
4475 - The Self - Preq. 3325(H), 2367.01 or 3375
4501 - Advanced Behavioral Neuroscience - Preq. 3313(H) (grade of B or higher)
4509 - Perception of Space and Motion in Sports (Mansfield campus only) - Preq. 3310
4510 - Cognitive Psychology Laboratory - Preq. 3302, 3310(H) or 3312
4518 - Attitudes: Structure, Function, & Consequences - Preq. 3325(H), 2367.01 or 3375
4520 - Social Psychology Laboratory - Preq. 3325(H),2367.01 or 3375
4532 - Clinical Psychological Science - Preq. 3331(H)
4540 - Counseling Psychology - Preq. 3331(H), 3335 or 3530
4630 - Attitudes and Persuasion - Preq. 3325(H), 2367.01 or 3375
4644 - Hormones and Behavior- Preq. 3313(H)
5089 - Cognitive Aging, Neurodegeneration, & Neuroplasticity - Preq. 3313(H) or 3513
5250 - Mood Disorders: Classification, Etiology, & Treatment - Preq. 3331(H), 3335 or 3530
5270 - Personality Disorders: Classification, Etiology, & Treatments - Preq. 3331(H), 3335 or 3530
5600 - Psychobiology of Learning & Memory - Preq. 3313(H)
5602 - Behavioral Genetics - Preq. 3313(H)
5606 - High Level Vision - Preq. 3310(H)
5613H - Biological Psychiatry - Preq. 3313(H) or 3513
5614 - Cognitive Neuroscience - Preq. 3313(H) or 3513
5622 - Development of Brain & Behavior - Preq. 3313(H)
5681 - Development and Psychopathology - Preq. 3550(H)
5684 - Psychology of Delinquency - Preq. 3551(H)

4485 - Psychology and the Law
4508 - Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
4511 - Psychological Testing
4515 - Psychology of Emotion
4521 - Personnel Psychology
4522 - Organizational Psychology (through AU24)
4531 - Health Psychology
4543 - Psychology of Gender
4545 - Cross-Cultural Psychology
4552 - Psychology of Adult Years
4554 - Language Development
4555 - Adolescent Sexuality
4571  - Psychology of Developmental Disabilities
5309 - Human Motor Control and Learning
5505 - History of Psychology
5601 - Comparative Psychology
5608 - Introduction to Mathematical Models
5617 - Models of Memory
5618 - Introduction to Computational Cognitive Neuroscience
5621 - Introduction to Event-Related-Potentials
5800 - Family Psychology
5832 - Lifespan Sociomoral Development
5898 - Seminar in Behavioral Neuroscience

Section IV. Elective Courses

To reach the 12 courses (36 credit hours) required for the Psychology Major, you may take any additional courses from Sections II, III, or IV. Psychology courses taken abroad (Psychology 5797) are evaluated individually.

2001- Personal Wellness and Mental Health (1 credit hr)
2301 - Psychology of Extraordinary Beliefs
2303 - Positive Psychology (GE Health & Well-being Theme starting SP24)
2311 - Psychology of Motivation (GE Health & Well-being Theme starting SP25)
2333 - Psychology of Human Sexuality
2350 - Contemporary Developmental Psychology (Marion campus only)
2376 - Interpersonal Relationships
2420 - Psychology Applied to Sport
2462 - Psychology of Creativity
2500 - Applied Psychology: Human Behavior in the Wild
3321* - Quantitative and Statistical Methods in Psychology (Prereq is B or higher in Psych 2220)
3371(H) - Language and the Mind
3522 - Organizational Psychology (Starting SP25)
3624 - Primate Cognition
3900 - A Practical Guide to Ruling the World (GE Citizenship Theme)
4320 - Psychological Science of Addiction
4525 - Psychology of Personal Security: Global and Local Perspectives
4597.01 - Contemporary World: Aging, Health, and Psychological Functioning
5425 - Introduction to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
5603 - Stem Cells and the Brain
5612 - Introduction to Cognitive Science
5620 - Technology, Efficiency, and Happiness
5628 - Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
5870 - Neuroeconomics and Decision Neuroscience
5891 - Proseminar in Cognitive Science (2 credit hours)

Experiential Elective Courses

3193.01 - Individual Studies in Psychology
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 3193.xx OR 5700 may apply to major
3193.02 - Individual Studies: Teaching of Psychology
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 3193.xx OR 5700 may apply to major
4998 - Undergraduate Research in Psychology
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 4998 may apply to major
4999.01 - Thesis Research I 
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 4999.01 OR 4999.02 may apply to major
4999.01H - Honors Thesis Research I
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 4999.01(H) OR 4999.02(H) may apply to major
4999.02 - Thesis Research II
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 4999.01 OR 4999.02 may apply to major
4999.02H - Honors Thesis Research II
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 4999.01(H) OR 4999.02(H) may apply to major
5700 - Training in Science Education Outreach
 - Up to 3 credit hrs of Psychology 3193.xx OR 5700 may apply to major

Psychology Major Embedded Literacy

Students must take one course in Advanced Writing to fulfill the embedded literacy requirement. **These courses do not count as hours in the psychology major, but are required for graduation

**see exceptions below

**Psych 4510 or 4520 can count for major hours

PSYCH 4510 - Cognitive Psychology Lab
PSYCH 4520 - Social Psychology Lab
ENGLISH 2367.01 - Language, Identity, and Culture in the U.S. Experience
ENGLISH 2367.02 - Literature in the U.S. Experience
ENGLISH 2367.04 - Technology and Science in the U.S. Experience
ENGLISH 2367.05 - The U.S. Folk Experience
ENGLISH 2367.06 - Composing Disability in the U.S.
ENGLISH 2367.07 - Literacy Narratives of Black Columbus
ENGLISH 2367.08 - The U.S. Experience: Writing About Video Games
ENGLISH 3304 - Business and Professional Writing
ENGLISH 3305 - Technical Writing
ENGLISH 3467S - Issues and Methods in Tutoring Writing
ENGLISH 4150 - Cultures of Professional Writing
ENGLISH 4567S - Rhetoric and Community Service: A Writing Seminar