12/13 Application Deadline: SP25 Research Assistant (RA) Positions in Cognition & Decision Modeling Lab

12/13 Application Deadline: SP25 Research Assistant (RA) Positions in Cognition & Decision Modeling Lab

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The Cognition & Modeling Lab, led by Dr. Peter Kvam, is seeking SP25 Research Assistants for his research understanding decision making in humans and machines.

The lab seeks to understand how people think and make decisions, and especially how these decisions unfold in time, such as when options change over time in competitive markets like housing. They use computational modeling and AI to better understand the decision process.

Lab duties involve carrying out studies of human behavior, attending lab meetings, collecting and analyzing different types of data (behavior, eye tracking) and discussing and/or disseminating the results of studies in collaboration with other lab members.

Student Qualifications: 

  • 3.0 GPA (3.5 preferred)
  • Students with previous experience/coursework in statistics, programming, or coding preferred
  • One semester commitment