

Close up of a pencil filling in the "Amount You Owe" section of a tax form.

A mental process that leads to putting off an unpleasant task

New research by professor Russell Fazio suggests that people whose negative attitudes tend to dictate their behavior are more likely to procrastinate about tasks at hand.

A woman stretches on a yoga mat while watching an instructor on her tablet.

Stress, via inflammation, is linked to metabolic syndrome

A new study led by associate professor Jasmeet Hayes suggests that stress-management techniques could reduce biological risk.


For the lonely, a blurred line between real and fictional people

In lonely people, the boundary between real friends and favorite fictional characters gets blurred in the part of the brain that is active when thinking about others, a new study by co-authored…

A headshot of Kathryn Lenz, an assistant professor in the Psychology Department at OSU

Kathryn Lenz's Prenatal Allergy Study

A single allergic reaction during pregnancy prompts sexual-development changes in the brains of offspring that last a lifetime, new research suggests.

Female rats born to mothers exposed to…